Everyday is Mother's Day (Number 8 on my Definitive List of Things I'm Thankful For) - The DJ who's not a DeeJay

Everyday is Mother's Day (Number 8 on my Definitive List of Things I'm Thankful For)

Sunday, May 12, 2024

My mom is my hero. 

One moment I'll never forget is when I was 4 years old and we were crossing the street. Suddenly, a huge car wasn't stopping, even if the stoplight was red for the car. Due to the driver's excessive speed, the car's brakes failed to bring it to a complete stop, causing any remaining momentum to collide with us. While we both rolled on the street's concrete, my mom shielded me, somehow preventing any injuries. We were both rushed to the hospital afterwards, and luckily, we only sustained a few bruises. It was a traumatic experience, but having my mom never leave me, even to the point of taking the impact, showed me how much she would protect me with her life. After that, we didn't have any life-threatening experiences, but if I did, I would want my mom to have been with me to care for me.

I lost my mom to cancer in 2018, and I remember her every day since then. A big part of who I am today is because of my mom. Thank you for raising me with all your love and care.



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