2021 - The DJ who's not a DeeJay

Things To Bring When You Quarantine In a Hotel

The dynamics of serving quarantine in a hotel are completely different experiences from staying in a hotel for a vacation. From spending our first few days in quarantine, my wife and I prepared a few things we thought would make our quarantine stay more comfortable. One thing I learned that may be useful when the country you are transiting to requires a mandatory...

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The Hairy Experience

Caution: Vanity post. (I have one every few years)During the first few months of the pandemic, most of the world was in a state of lockdown or some sort of directive to stay home. On my social media feeds, I saw friends either cutting their own hair or having someone cut their hair in hopes that it could possibly resemble a decent haircut....

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Back to Blogging Soon

To all who's visited my previous blog posts despite not having updated for a few months, thank you, especially to those from Indonesia which my blog had a surge of visitors from last September.I'm on my last week being a content creator for an employer. I'll soon be shifting my content creation efforts back to my blog and other online platforms. Opening doors soon...

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Song Review: "O Sige Lang" by Adjeng Buenaventura

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Celebrating Mass Virtually In The Philippines

The pandemic has made it challenging to hear Sunday mass but thanks to technology, virtual masses are available online. For those who live outside the country, including Overseas Filipino Workers, this is a perfect chance to hear mass online and revisit their previous parishes when they used to live in the Philippines.Here's a list of virtual Philippine Catholic masses in selected areas in...

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If I Could, I Would

Have you ever had the feeling that you want to help someone so much but can't? Not because you don't want to, but because you don't have the capacity to do so. These are my sentiments and maybe yours too when your capabilities aren't the right ones to help the ones you love. But if I had these powers, I only have one answer...

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Making My 2020 Stand Out

The entire 2020 is now a memory that will not be forgotten both historically and personally. The year predominantly placed the pandemic in the spotlight and made other news revolve around that. As everyone was forced to a lifestyle adjustment, we each had our own way of adapting to the new normal.I have my own set of small achievements, memorable moments, and new...

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