January 2019 - The DJ who's not a DeeJay

The Hard Way To Avoid Spoiler Alerts

The WWE Royal Rumble is one of my most favorite wrestling pay per views that I love watching every year.  Since it's usually shown on a Sunday night in the U.S., that translates to a Monday morning in my timezone.  Since the show is live during my worktime, I'll have to watch it when I get home which would most likely be a...

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Tugtog Tuesdays

I've been dabbling on the piano from time to time trying to play some songs that catch my interest.  I was originally hoping to play and record one every Tuesday, but that was too ambitious. I did post a couple on a Tuesday which I dubbed as "Tugtog Tuesdays" (play Tuesdays). I kinda miss arranging songs the way I used to when I...

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Being a Local Guide

One of my most memorable experiences was being recognized as a Local Guides contributor by Google.   Because of this, I was given the opportunity to meet 149 other active contributors from different countries and be invited to the Google Local Guides Summit in San Francisco in 2017.  I gained friends from all around the world while helping people be better informed. I was...

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Returning to Tech and Digital for 2019

It's been more than a year since I last shared anything on my personal blog.  My laptop severely slowing down and degrading in performance was one of the main reasons why I stopped blogging among other things.  My digital tracks kinda came to a complete stop and I was mainly using my phone for everything.  Creating content on mobile is convenient and I...

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