2015 - The DJ who's not a DeeJay

Colorful Smiling Parrots

"Whenever I see your smiling face, I have to smile myself..." (Parrots at Jurong Bird Park in Singapore) ...

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An Ode to Direct Tweeting

141 and Beyond. I never thought that I would see A tweet longer than 140. RT then send a DM to me, So you can say more in intimacy. What am I talking about?  This. Removing the 140-character limit from Direct Messages ...

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Ode To Piper

Rowdy he is, Piper he be He's the wrestler everyone wants to see Checkered kilt he dress Hot Rod's always ready to mess Thank you for all the years of being your best. - Tribute to WWE's Hall of Famer Roddy Piper.  Rest in Peace. ...

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There's Always a Reason To Have a Sale

We live near a mall and almost every weekend, we see the mall put out their huge SALE letters. And they always find a way to come up with a theme or reason to say there's a sale.  Actually, if you go to a mall, chances are you'll find a sale somewhere somehow.  And usually they brand the type of sale. You have...

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U.S. President Barack Obama is NOW on Twitter!

U.S. President Barack Obama finally gets his own Twitter account, and that's @POTUS.  What does that stand for?  President Of The United States! President Obama. In the Oval Office. Tweeting. #WelcomeToTwitter, @POTUS! http://t.co/SzWXltjNK0 pic.twitter.com/ce4DurwYXj — The White House (@WhiteHouse) May 18, 2015 The account though is not new as the handle Twitter handle @POTUS was created in June 2013, almost 2 years before...

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Chili's LampArt

Lamp and a sample of its menu oh so long ago ...

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Conserve, Converse...Reserve, Reverse

Whenever I type the word "conversation" I accidentally type "conservation." What words do you usually mistype too? Whenever I type the word "conversation" I accidentally type "conservation." What words do you usually mistype too? ...

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Cebu Pacific in Singapore

Cebu Pacific flight awaiting boarding in Changi Airport, Singapore ...

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What is ketchup diversity?

This is. ...

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#ThrowbackThursdays: Marina Bay Sands in 2010

Throwback: Marina Bay Sands in Singapore was still under construction in 2010. ...

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I've Been To The Most Beautiful Starbucks Branch in the Philippines!

Our family went on a road trip in Tagaytay last week to visit Caleruega Church as one of our Visita Iglesia churches for the year.   Since there was a lot of people going to the popular church on a hill, it took us a while to get there and get back on the road back to Tagaytay. The entrance. Seats are one...

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How I Spent My Earth Hour

My family and I have been joining the world in celebrating the annual Earth Hour initiative.  Earth hour is celebrated all over the globe by turning off your lights for a hour in your local time.  Despite the different timezones, each country will have dedicated an hour of their time to this cause.   If I had a satellite view of the earth, I...

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Keep Calm And I Shall Return

but here, McArthur says Keep Calm and Google It. ...

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Panoramic Japan

My family and I spent the New Year's in Japan.  It was my first time to visit Tokyo and nearby areas.   There's so much scenery to admire and photograph. Here are some panoramic images I took in my attempt to get as much scenery in one photo. Birds eye view of Narita Airport Odaiba and Tokyo Bay at night   Entrance to...

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5 Supermarket & Grocery Apps and Gadgets We'd Like To See

Going to the supermarket is one of the things that gives good use to a calculator, a pen and paper.  But with the advent of technology, there are so many things that can make your grocery experience more convenient.  Here are 5 supermarket and grocery apps and gadgets we'd like to see: 1. Shopping Cart Scale - The shopping cart is a scale...

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Clouds and Cars

One sun, one tree, several clouds and cars. ...

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Got the new 5 peso coin? Then Join the 70th Liberation Coin Photo Challenge!

In commemoration of the 70th Anniversary of the Liberation of the Philippines, the U.S. Embassy is holding a search for the most creative photos or drawings using the new five peso commemorative coin (70th Anniversary of Leyte Landing) that best interprets the theme “Valuing the Past, Present and Future.”To join, go the U.S. Embassy Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/manila.usembassy , upload an original drawing...

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Mall Band Plays Cool Medley of Eraserheads Songs

I usually pass by this Department Store every weekend and there's a band that regularly plays at the entrance. This is the first time though I heard them play Eraserheads songs. Awesome rendition. They played Kaliwete and other Eraserheads hits but unfortunately this was the only song I caught on video.  Imagine me hearing this from the basement.  I had to rush one...

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Celebs + Selfie Stick + Unlimited Posing = Triggerhappy Photography

Had so much fun at Madame Tussauds in Odaiba,Tokyo. Best to be equipped with a selfie stick and take lots of photos! Here's just some of the celebrities you'll see there. ...

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