Some highlights of the clip:
- Triple H gets a WWE-like entrance and comes down from the stairs to a live band playing one of his theme songs "Bow Down To The King"... awesome !
- Triple H makes fun of Ashton Kutcher saying the loser of the match may be forced to tweet about it, giving Ashton a big blow being an active tweeter.
- When asked if he had a twitter account, Triple H said "No. I don't know how to tweet or twat. And a lot of people who do tweet are twits", further jabbing Ashton to a near verbal pinfall.
- a preview of the Smackdown VS Raw 2010 video game where Triple H wrestles against a downloadable Jimmy Fallon character.
- Jimmy Fallon's wrestling character is hilarious ! He enters the area, scratches his back and trips while walking to the ring. He gets into the ring and does the running man, gets a beating, makes a couple of hits to Triple H but shortlived, and gets pummeled by Triple H till he receives the finisher Pedigree, and holds his head in pain. So hilarious !
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