The Balikbayan Box - The DJ who's not a DeeJay

The Balikbayan Box

Thursday, August 06, 2009

I admit our family received a couple of these from the States when I was a kid.

If you're a Filipino, you know exactly what's inside one. But just in case you forgot, listen to this song to know what's inside.

The lyrics of the song is funny but true. It's like a TV commercial !

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  1. Cool video. You are right, the lyrics was so great!

    Daniel Roberts

  2. Thank you for sharing this video. Yeah, it's funny but its really. I am in the states now and I am sending the same goodies to my family in the Philippines.

    By the way, I posted this in my blog and I link your site too.

  3. hi Raquel ! :)
    thanks for the link !

    hope your folks enjoy a balikbayan box brings. :)

    oh btw, I'm a he. :D
