
Friday, September 5, 2008

Ubuntu Love Day Manila 2008

I had the chance to study Unix during college.  I got to use Unix in some of my previous jobs but it was always ready to use.  I tried to install Red Hat Linux years back but even as a computer science graduate, I had a difficult time figuring out how to install and configure it.  I had to tweak and calculate the correct swap disk space, make the correct partitions, type in several cryptic command-line parameters and so and and so forth with the end result of a failure.  

It was really frustrating knowing how to use Unix but couldn't install one myself.  I tried various flavors of Unix and Linux, like KateOS, Debian, Knoppix and Red Hat and the closest I was into actually using the OS was booting from CD and using a live session.   At the press of the power button, all goes back to zero.

Fast forward to 2008.  I've been hearing lots of good reviews about Ubuntu.  I figured I'll try it out again.   Installation was straightforward and a breeze.  I didn't have to go through the myriad of screens, questions, confirmations and manual configuring that I used to endure years ago.   

For an open source operating system, Ubuntu sure beats Microsoft in terms of cost for value.  I gradually learned tips and programs on Ubuntu.  Then I found out that there are several flavors of Ubuntu like Kubuntu and Xubuntu suitable for all kinds of needs.

Last August, I had the chance to attend Ubuntu Loveday Manila 2008, which was held at the Computer Science Building of UP Diliman.  

It was nice to see that there is an emerging (if not have already emerged) group of Ubuntu enthusiasts, users and developers.  

The mid-day series of talks included topics on Ubuntu on virtualization and integrating to a Windows Network, The Wacky World of Ubuntu Derivatives, Ubuntu and the OLPC XO-1, Kubuntu & KDE: Contributing to an International Software Project and The Ubuntu 30 day challenge which I indirectly assisted in.

I saw a few fellow bloggers present and some college teachers I remember passing by in my alma mater's Science Building.  The gaining popularity of Ubuntu is exciting and hopefully, more people would be aware of its capabilities.

Ubuntu is truly Linux for human beings.

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