April 2008 - The DJ who's not a DeeJay

Elvis Presley Is My Stress Reliever

This afternoon, I was stressed out. I appointed a consultant to work on some tasks over the weekend. However he waited till the last minute and crammed today on deadline day.So after trying to manage some damage control, I decided to take a break to relieve me of the stressful situation.... so I visited my favorite Timezone branch.My favorite game is the Elvis...

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Overflowing Content

The past few days have been events coming in two's. Last Saturday was iBlog4 and 88db.com party both geared towards the bloggers. Then a 2 day Manila tour with the Davao bloggers followed. All of this was sandwiched by a 2 part food tour sponsored by spot.ph.I've been taking pics, video and audio recordings for almost all the events. I need to make...

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Unofficial Philippine Blogger Day

Yesterday felt like a Philippine National Blogger Day as there were 2 major events specifically geared towards bloggers.iBLOG4, an annual blog summit was a whole day affair held at the Malcolm Theater at the UP College of Law. The event included a series of topics discussed and presented by distinguished, experienced and noted speakers. One of my favorite talks was about the legalities...

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Half Rice for Half the Price

Finally !Cafeterias serve it, carinderias offer it.. it's about time fastfood joints follow.Now you can order half a cup of rice for half the price of a full cup.... for those who feel "bitin" with a cup of rice. It usually happens when you still have "ulam" (viand) left yet you've consumed your rice. This is for those who feel that one cup...

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Looks Like We Made It

I'm referring to my ballpen which I was able to consume to the last drop of ink. The Barry Manilow song comes to mind cause "we made it." To put it in a clearer perspective, I have a higher probability of misplacing and eventually losing a pen than consuming its entire ink capacity.My ballpen ran out of ink while I was at KFC...

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3 Moons ?

This is a picture I took the other night. Are there really 3 moons ? Not really. The smaller two circles are streetlights. ...

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Wishing For The Wishing Well

A couple of weeks ago, I went to Pampanga and exited at one of the reststops located along the North Luzon Expressway stretch. After taking a break, I noticed that there was a small pond near the other side of the parking lot. Exemplifying the usual exploring tourist, I went there to take a picture. From afar, I saw the sign "drop a...

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Smashing Laptops

I bet if you own a laptop, you'd cringe with this video even if it's not yours. ...

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Malicious code hacking websites left & right

I usually don't post anything very technical here since it's my blog outside of work. But this commands immediate concern for all website owners since this trojan spread like wildfire on the internet over the weekend.The trojan can modify all php pages of a website and add iframe codes to redirect and retrieve content from cdpuvhfzz.com. (DON'T ACCESS THAT SITE!).It hacked one of...

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The Dollar Series

I regularly visit local money changers whenever I need to have US dollars exchanged to Philippine peso currency. It's usually a quick process. Give your dollars to the teller, get a receipt for how much the peso equivalent is based on their current exchange rate, and get your pesos. It's that simple.However, recently, I've been frustrated with the fact that some money changers...

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Driving With Fuel Economy And Efficiency

Nowadays, the prices of gas are really expensive and it seems that it's not going down in the near future. Unleaded gas in the Philippines goes for around P45.00 per liter, which is more than 1 US dollar.I think that instead of trying to find sources for inexpensive gas or hope the prices go down, it's practical to own a car that in...

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The Centennial Terminal

I had to do some researching the other day on the Centennial Terminal, also known as Terminal 2 of NAIA. I had to send off some family friends there and I am only familiar with The Domestic Terminal and NAIA Terminal 1. I read up on Wikipedia about Ninoy Aquino International Airport before going there and asked some directions from friends. Here are...

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Things To Do When Stuck In Traffic

1. Listen to podcasts on your mp3 player.2. Look at what's happening in other cars beside you.3. Clean the insides of your car. (You can clean the outside too if traffic is really bad).4. Initiate a honking war with other drivers bored.5. Scratch every part of your body.And if you're really bored, how about this ? ...

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Typewriter Keyboard

I've always been a fan of computer modding, the art of transforming a boring computer case into an interesting form of art. Whether it may be character or movie themed like Alien vs. Predator, Finding Nemo, 101 Dalmations, Counterstrike or a kick-ass original design like infusing a lava lamp and aquarium in your cpu case, the possibilities are endless. I found this mod...

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